Cart Calculator: A Fresh Start and Faster Than Ever

Cart Calculator: A Fresh Start and Faster Than Ever


Our Cart Calculator app has been rewritten from scratch, and we're excited to share the improvements we've made! This new version is faster, more efficient, and packed with enhanced features.

70% Faster Startup: We've tackled the biggest pain point - slow startup times. By completely restructuring the app's core, we've achieved a 70% increase in startup speed, delivering a smoother and more responsive user experience right from the start.

Modern Architecture: This rewrite was about more than just speed. We've embraced modern development practices, adopting a robust and modular architecture with a clear separation of concerns. This ensures long-term stability, maintainability, and scalability for the app.

Enhanced UI: The user interface has been redesigned for a more intuitive and visually appealing experience. We've utilized Material Design 3 to create a modern, engaging, and consistent look across all screens.

Robust Features: We've added several new features to make Cart Calculator even more useful:

  • Cart Management: Now you can effortlessly create, delete, and manage multiple shopping carts.

  • Item Addition & Editing: Add items to your carts with ease, and update quantities effortlessly using the intuitive plus/minus buttons.

  • Total Price Calculation: The app automatically calculates the total price of your cart in real-time, allowing you to track your spending with precision.

  • Currency Support: Choose your preferred currency and have the total price displayed accordingly.

Behind the Scenes:

This rewrite involved a comprehensive overhaul of the codebase. Here's a glimpse into some of the key changes:

  • Kotlin Coroutines: We've leveraged Kotlin Coroutines extensively to perform background tasks asynchronously, ensuring the UI remains responsive throughout the app.

  • Jetpack Compose: We've adopted Jetpack Compose for building the UI, enabling declarative UI development and faster updates.

  • Room Database: Room is now our database of choice, providing a type-safe, efficient, and easy-to-use way to store and retrieve data.

  • DataStore: We're using DataStore for storing user preferences, providing a flexible and reliable way to manage data across app launches.

We believe this new version of Cart Calculator is a significant step forward. We're confident that it will provide a smoother, more enjoyable, and powerful experience for our users.

Download the updated Cart Calculator app today and experience the difference!


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